Category Archives: Uncategorized

Pools in Orange County: Is an Automatic Pool Cover Worth It?

Residential Pool

Why should we buy an automatic pool cover? Is it really worth the price? How can it help us save money? As pool cover specialists in Orange County, we are constantly bombarded with these questions. It’s why our consultants decided to round up the cost-saving benefits of automatic pool covers as an answer. That way, […]

What Are Automatic Pool Covers?

Automatic Pool Cover for Residential Pool

Thinking about getting an automatic pool cover? When it comes to pool cover installations in Orange County, many people prefer these modern contraptions over the outdated models. That’s because these automatic pool covers are easier to manage and maintain. However, an investment like this requires research and market valuation. This is why we’ve rounded up […]

4 Frequently Asked Questions About Automatic Pool Covers

Person swimming in the pool.

Are you planning to buy a pool cover? Whether you’re a first-time buyer or are looking for an upgrade, you are bound to have questions in your mind. Besides the make and model of the automatic pool cover, most homeowners also consider the maintenance and warranty. Then there are those who’d like to delve deeper […]